Welcome to Tai Chi/Chi Kung Leiden!
On this page we will give you an outline of the general information on the website in English. If you have further questions or you need more information please contact Marc Jongsten (headteacher) 06-29518441/m.jongsten@gmail.com or Godelieve Smeenk (international liaisons) godelieve.smeenk@gmail.com Godelieve has spent several years as an expat and is familiar with finding your way around in a new environment and community.
Application form:
Payments to: NL71ABNA0128126000 Aikido Centrum Leiden.
INDOOR classes PC Hooftlaan 13 Leiden:
Chi Kung classes (costs: € 150 quarterly):
Saturday 09.00 – 10.00 uur
Tuesday 20.30 – 21.30 uur
Thursday 19.00 – 20.00 uur
Tai Chi classes:
Tuesday 19.00 – 20.00 learning the form
Tuesday 20.00 – 20.30 extra (no extra charge)
Friday 20.00 – 21.00
OUTDOOR classes Park Leidse Hout:
Friday 9.00-10.00 am.
Location: Park “Leidse Hout” next to the ‘Theehuis’, the local tearoom.
Please mind the weather and dress warm!!
If you still have questions please do contact us!
Hope to see you soon!